Within the framework of the project (Anti)Realism and in my latest solo-show in Sweden (all work shown are entitled Calabi-Yau Presents), we have carried out some public events in Liverpool, Melbourne, Rome and on the Swedish west cost. They all deal in various ways with alternative views on temporality and play with how we perceive time and space.
Many of the themes in the two exhibitions, tie in neatly with your projects and can function as a starting ground for further discussions. You find more detailed documentation on:
Kay Abude, Amy Johannes, Makiko Yamamoto and Ellen Taylor realized the project in Melbourne; Antonio Venti and Adrianne Drake worked with me in Rome; Karin Ekman Johansson, Angelika Fernlund, Elisabeth Kihlström , Cecilia Jönsson , Mikael Sörhuus, Chris Magnusson, Anders Olofson, Britta Persson, Ida-Britta Petrelius and Marcus Jonsson carried out the interventions in Gerlesborg and Angelica Vanasse, Rob Flynn, and Niamh Flanagan worked together in Liverpool and Daniele Balit improvised in Paris.